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Leicestershire Builder Magazine, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9ZT.

 Twelve Issues (£20)
 Six Issues (£12)

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If you'd like to subscribe to Leicestershire Builder Magazine, and you live in the UK, simply complete the form on the right and click on the SEND button. You will receive a confirmation by email and we will send you an INVOICE for £20.00 (TWELVE issues) or £12 (SIX issues).

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Contact details
Leicestershire Builder Magazine
PO Box 8, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9ZT
Tel: 01530 244069
Booking & Publication Dates
Deadline for booking adverts is 15th of preceding month.
Publication date is 1st of each month.

How to receive the magazine
Subscriptions are priced at £20 for 12 issues (No VAT on subscriptions).
To receive occasional issues, email us.
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